gdb has something of the flavor of dbx, but has more features and power. It can also be used to debug o/s kernels, but needs to be configured differently for that task.
Project GNU isn't using Unix man pages. Its style of complete documentation can be found by:
The help and info commands inside gdb.
In the Info system in GNU Emacs. Type C-h i, and follow the directions. This is equivalent to the reference manual for gdb, and has about 55 pages of text.
gdb could be extended to work with other languages (e.g. Pascal) and machines (e.g. encores). If you like, copy the sources and give it a try. When you have it working send diff -c's of the changed files to (fuller details below), so they can benefit everyone.
Copies of gdb may sometimes be received packaged with distributions of Unix systems, but it is never included in the scope of any license covering those systems. Such inclusion would violate the terms on which distribution is permitted. In fact, the primary purpose of the General Public License is to prohibit anyone from attaching any other restrictions to redistribution of gdb.
You can order printed copies of the gdb reference manual for $10.00/copy postpaid from the Free Software Foundation, which develops GNU software (contact them for quantity prices on the manual). Their address is:
Free Software Foundation 1000 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138As with all software and publications from FSF, everyone is permitted to make and distribute copies of the gdb reference manual. The TeX source to the gdb reference manual is also included in the GNU Emacs source distribution.
Do not expect a personal answer to a bug report. The purpose of reporting bugs is to get them fixed for everyone in the next release, if possible. For personal assistance, look in the SERVICE file (see the GNU Emacs man page) for a list of people who offer it.
Please do not send anything but bug reports to this mailing list. Send other stuff to (or the corresponding UUCP address). For more information about GNU mailing lists, see the file MAILINGLISTS (see the GNU Emacs man page). Bugs tend actually to be fixed if they can be isolated, so it is in your interest to report them in such a way that they can be easily reproduced.
No bugs are known at this time.